sormenz's Profile on Islamic Economic & Life-Walker: Islamic Economic

Monday, February 9, 2009

Islamic Economic

Islamic Economic (Sharia Economic) is the economic social sciences who study economic problems of the people who learn by Islamic values. Economy sharia different from capitalism, socialism, and the welfare state (Welfare State). Different from capitalism because Islam against exploitation by the capital of the poor laborers, and prohibits the cumulation wealth. In addition, the economy in the glass eyes of Islam is at once the suggestion of a claim that has dimensions of worship.


Anonymous said...

salam kenal

Wahyunansyah said...

salam kenal kembali...
wah online bisnis banget ya...

Anonymous said...

silahkan mampir di untuk tau perkembangan dan kegiatan bloggersumut
ada acara ma Telkomsel
silahkan di lihat ya???

Anonymous said...

mksh udh mampiir..
wah2.. bisnis online ya?
saya masih 14 tahun kok,
masih amatiran..
saya juga gak tau mau kasih tips nulis apa..
saya pribadi, nulis sesuatu
tentang hal yang saya sukai.
kalau saya tertarik dgn sesuatu,
ya saya tulis..

Anonymous said...

saya ndak ngerti bahasa linggisnya tuh,,, hueheu,,,,,
kapan mao kopdaran lagi nech??
biar ada rencana2 kita selanjutnya,, hueuhe,,,

Anonymous said...

mba... ada yang versi indonesianya, kah?

anw, salam kenal.

Anonymous said...

salam kenal,artikel yang bagus, sukses yah

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

very2 agree if the Islamic Economic better than global economic systems...great info friend

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

islam economics is a very good solution for all crises we suffer now capitalism and socialism didnot work well why not we get the benifit from islam economics